Sunday, July 14, 2019

Mapacho rapé / rape , nicotiana rustica Snuff powder


Mapacho also be ground into a fine powder and is inhaled. A common name for this snuff is RAPE. The mapacho powder can be taken pure or mixed with other plants to produce the desired results. The snuff is often applied using a long tube in which a person blows the nose snuff another.  Taken this way, the rape has the effect of purging the nostrils, releasing mucus and phlegm, and also tends to focus on its recipient, clearing the mind.

We are suppliers of organic mapacho powder / rape directly from the amazon rainforest, directly from Peru.

 mapacho rape
mapacho rape, 38 gr, buy it now in
Also please review our kuripes and applicators handmade in the amazon rainforest.
Also visit our category of rapes or snuff